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WDS Developer Forums

by Brandon on February 23rd, 2006

One of the many great resources we offer for developers that are interested in WDS is the MSDN Developer Forum for Windows Desktop Search.

We’ve recently begun an effort to improve the forum (along with our Channel 9 wiki site).  The forum is first-and-foremost a developer community, focused on providing an atmosphere where developers can share their ideas and help each other out.  However, we do have engineers from the WDS product team (including myself) drop by frequently to answer questions.  We aren’t support personnel, and we can’t promise a timely response.  But we’re happy to help out when we can.

You can find the forum here:

MSDN Developer Forum for WDS

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  1. В офисе так нудно было, хорошо что нашел ваш сайт. Читаю с огромным интересом:)

  2. ViaMurka permalink

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