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FindMyStuff Blog launches!

by Brandon on May 17th, 2006

Today we made our first public announcement about the project I’m currently working on.  It’s a Windows Live Search client application, currently without any finalized branding.

And we have a blog!  – It’s pretty basic right now.  Expect to see a lot more about our team and what we’re doing very soon.

The announcement came this morning as Dane Glasgow demoed the application during Bill Gates’ keynote presentation at the annual CEO Summit. 

Many on our team spent long hours working to get ready for the demo and we’re happy that it went very well.  We have gotten a lot of bad press about the name (or lack thereof), and a lot of people not understanding our goals.  But hopefully that will change with time.  I think when our beta release gets out to the public things will start to make a lot more sense!

From → Uncategorized

  1. So, where’s the binary? 🙂

  2. I found your site by a random google search, good stuff! keep up the good job!

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