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Who left this hole in the ground?

by Brandon on September 11th, 2006

Ground Zero

Mr. Bush, you have had five years to prove to our enemies that we will not yield and you have squandered it.  On this September 11th, 2006 we remember those who died at the hands of evil in New York, Shanksville, and Washington.  We remember the heros who fought back in the skies over Pennsylvania, and those who responded on the ground.  But we also remember the unity that we all felt after that fateful day, the solidarity so clear from where we gathered at my school’s Chapel to the Capitol where politicans from both sides of the aisle joined in song.  Today we remember how this president and his administration chose to toss it aside and drive a wedge between us.  And for what?

Mr. President, you have not kept the promises you made five years ago.  You told us you’d persue the terrorists who attacked us.  Not for a few months or a year, but until they were brought to justice.  Instead, you abandoned that effort.  Worse than ignoring them, you’ve handed Al-Qaeda a place to thrive in Anbar.  You give lip-service to the persuit of terrorists just like when you promised to rebuild and left New York with a hole in the ground.

Keith Olbermann, thank you for not holding back.

From → Politics

One Comment
  1. Iyanna permalink

    This is a shocking display

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