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I caved… joined twitter

by Brandon on March 11th, 2007

A couple weeks ago Chris and Scoble showed me in-person what all the fuss with Twitter was about. I’d heard it talked about, but was too busy to even bother finding out what it was. After a quick demonstration, I decided not to sign-up as it just seemed like a goofy way to waste time (which isn’t something I need more of at the moment).

However, tonight I was hanging out with some of the MVPs (mostly the young, hip Windows Live ones) and finally decided to sign-up. With MVPs looking over my shoulder, the sight of the words “Welcome back, Robert Scoble!” proved to be an irresistable temptation.

Anyway, I’m on Twitter now. It’s pretty much the Facebook “status” feature, ripped out and offered as a standalone service. The real difference is the network of people. Facebook has my friends from high school, college, and most of my 20-something friends all on board. But Twitter has… the entire blogosphere. Or maybe that’s just Scoble’s Twitter followers.

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