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Windows 7 Beta hotkey cheat sheet

by Brandon on January 10th, 2009

Got yourself a shiny new Windows 7 Beta install? Here’s a little cheat sheet I made up for some of the handy new hotkey combinations, many of which I’ve become quite dependent on!


Win+Up Maximize
Win+Down Restore / Minimize
Win+Left Snap to left
Win+Right Snap to right
Win+Shift+Left Jump to left monitor
Win+Shift+Right Jump to right monitor
Win+Home Minimize / Restore all other windows
Win+T Focus the first taskbar entry
Pressing again will cycle through them, you can can arrow around.
Win+Shift+T cycles backwards.
Win+Space Peek at the desktop
Win+G Bring gadgets to the top of the Z-order
Win+P External display options (mirror, extend desktop, etc)
Win+X Mobility Center (same as Vista, but still handy!)
(# = a number key)
Launches a new instance of the application in the Nth slot on the taskbar.
Example: Win+1 launches first pinned app, Win+2 launches second, etc.
Win + +
Win + –
(plus or minus key)
Zoom in or out.

Windows Explorer

Alt+P Show/hide Preview Pane

Taskbar modifiers

Shift + Click on icon Open a new instance
Middle click on icon Open a new instance
Ctrl + Shift + Click on icon Open a new instance with Admin privileges
Shift + Right-click on icon Show window menu (Restore / Minimize / Move / etc)
Note: Normally you can just right-click on the window thumbnail to get this menu
Shift + Right-click on grouped icon Menu with Restore All / Minimize All / Close All, etc.
Ctrl + Click on grouped icon Cycle between the windows (or tabs) in the group

Note that this list focuses on stuff that’s specific to Windows 7. For a complete list of Windows Vista hotkeys (which should be largely unchanged except where noted above), visit this page on or look in the Windows Help file.

If there’s something you think I should add, post a comment!

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  1. Wow the bar is more powerful than I had imagined! I expected middle button to close a grouped app, but it makes perfect sense for it to open a new instance 😀

  2. David permalink

    These are great, I was hoping to find something like this.

  3. Thanks Brandon. Those new keyboard shortcuts are really nice and useful. 🙂

    Vishal Gupta
    Microsoft MVP

  4. AltTabber permalink

    Whatever happened to good ol’ Alt+Tab? Does it still support that?

  5. Amir permalink

    wow, these are awesome. My favorite is making Windows jump between monitors… Is there any more shortcuts??

  6. Dan permalink

    Also, Win+D takes you to the desktop (instead of just peeking at it). Hitting it again returns your program windows to their previous state.

  7. Thanks Brandon . Really Useful Shortcuts.

    Amal Roy
    Computing Unleashed

  8. The MAZZTer permalink

    Nice superbar shortcuts, I figured out Shift + Click and Ctrl + Shift + Click (awesome for the Command Prompt) but the others should prove useful as well, thanks! 😀

  9. The MAZZTer permalink

    Woah, Win + and Win – are awesome.

    Though I feel Win + mousewheel might have worked a bit better (Ubuntu uses something similar for the same feature, plus it goes with Ctrl + Mousewheel zooming pages in the major web browsers).

  10. Martin permalink

    Hi, is there a shortcut for the Win key for those of us with a keyboard without such a key? Great list if I can get it to work on my keyboard……..

  11. Jenya permalink

    Please make it so that the Win+Home shortcut is more accessible. Righ now you have to stretch you fingers too much. I use it very often…

    also if you restore the windows back the windows aero animations are “broken” …

    thank you for your work! bonne chance!

  12. Jenya permalink

    oh..I’m sorry the animations are alright. My mistake 🙂

  13. mercuryLuz permalink

    Very useful information, thanks! By the way, I don’t like that Win+E opens “Libraries” instead of “My Computer”… Is there still some hotkey for “My Computer”?

  14. Sam permalink

    My all time favorite and most used shortcut key remains Win + E for opening explorer.

  15. Jordn permalink

    There’s also Win+B, which switches focus to the notification area, like how Win+T switches focus to the taskband.

  16. Win+Shift+Up = Maximizes the window vertically
    Win+Shift+Down = Restores the window size (after previous)

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  1. FeLiZk » Blog Archive » Win7 Taskbar Cheat Sheet
  2. Windows 7 public beta - Page 22 -
  3. Ryan's Blog
  4. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcut Sheet Published | How To Get WiFi
  5. Brandon Paddock’s Blog » Blog Archive » Windows 7 Beta hotkey cheat sheet | WinSe7en
  6. Windows 7 - discussione ufficiale - Pagina 293 - Forum di Tom's Hardware Italia
  7. Windows 7 Secret tips |
  8. Windows 7 – Atajos con el teclado « Blog de Tecnologias Microsoft
  9. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts | CHARGED's Digital Lifestyle at Work or Play
  10. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts
  11. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcut List |
  12. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts
  13. Prokka’s blog » Windows 7 pre?ice na tastaturi
  14. The View from Here
  15. » Tasti di scelta rapida per Windows 7
  16. Hotkey Cheat Sheet for the Windows 7 Beta - Windows Experience Blog - The Windows Blog
  17. Windows 7 Shortcut keys, clean version | Tim Brazer dot com
  18. Windows 7 Beta keyboard shortcuts (hotkey cheat sheet)
  19. Win7eVen » Windows 7: scorciatoie da tastiera
  20. Tabela de atalhos do teclado do Windows 7 » WinAjuda
  21. Windows 7 Beta Hotkey Combinations
  22. DeskMundo » Teclas de atalho do Windows 7
  23. And He Blogs » links for 2009-01-17
  24. Atalhos do Windows 7 « Blog do Moss
  25. [Windows]Windows 7 Hotkeys - -
  26. Windows 7 Beta sub lup? | Mâ?u'
  27. Hotkeys - Windows 7 Forums
  28. links for 2009-01-17 « TheSurfersZone Random Access
  29. Teclas de atalhos para windows 7 « Aqui a tecnologia não espera. Acontece!
  30. Windows 7 tips : hotkey cheat sheet on Everything about Windows Seven !
  31. اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح | ويندوز 7
  32. Omitek » Blog Archive » Conheça os Atalhos de Teclado no Windows 7
  33. Hot key (keyboard shortcuts) Cheat Sheet for Windows 7 | Digital World
  34. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts | Jas Dhaliwal's Blog

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