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So where AM I working?

by Brandon on July 20th, 2005

Gretchen over at the JobsBlog posted an entry about the campus I’m working at, what we call “RedWest” campus.  The first thing I was told about Red West when I got here was that it has the best cafeteria.

One little touch specific to Red West that I like is the preponderance of MSN flags (which line the road through our little set of buildings).  There’s a certain pride to working at MSN nowadays.  We’re the front line in the battle with Google.  And having our own little campus really ties in with that start-up kind of mentality.    We ship early* and ship often.  From Messenger and Hotmail to Desktop Search, IE tabs, Spaces, and Virtual Earth… We’re doing the cool shit. 

And if you think those are sweet, just wait til you see what we’ve got coming.


* Well, maybe not early, more like… less late 😉  

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