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Mix07 News: Silverlight, cross-platform CLR, hosting apps and media on Live

by Brandon on April 30th, 2007

Some big news out of Mix07 today.  Silverlight itself had been announced a week or two ago.  Now they’ve gone and announced the next version of it already (Silverlight 1.1) which will includes the CLR for the Mac (and possibly other platforms?  Or perhaps they’ll come later).  This is pretty huge, and I wonder what it will mean for projects like Mono.  A new beta of Silverlight 1.0 was made available, as well as the Mac-CLR-supporting 1.1 alpha build.  Release notes for both are here.

Another interesting announcement is that Windows Live will be offering a new serivce which reportedly offers 4GB of storage to Silverlight developers to host applications and media (videos, etc).  Joshua Allen’s post seems to suggest that this is a Windows Live Platform initiative.  That could be big, and I can’t wait to see how it comes together.


WebWare keynote coverage
Channel 9 video on the cross-platform CLR

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