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FAQ: Office 2007 documents, kind:document, and 64-bit Windows

by Brandon on November 29th, 2007

If you’re running a 64-bit version of Windows Vista, or a 64-bit version of WDS 3.x on Windows XP/2003, you may notice that the new Office 2007 document formats (.docx, .xlsx, etc) don’t show up when you search using the “Documents” filter in the search UI, or the kind:document Advanced Query Syntax.

This is a known issue with the 64-bit property system, and happens because the 64-bit shell only looks in the 64-bit section of the registry for a set of keys that map file extensions to various “kinds” for filetypes that don’t emit their own “kind” information.  Because Office 2007 is a 32-bit application, it registers its kinds in the 32-bit section of the registry, where the shell never sees it.

In a future release, the shell / search engine will be updated to better handle this situation.  For now, I have uploaded a .reg file which will fix the KindMap for Office 2007 documents on 64-bit machines.

Disclaimer Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method. These problems might require that you reinstall your operating system. I cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk.

Click here for the workaround reg file

From → WDS FAQ

  1. Brandon permalink

    Hey man thanks a lot, that is one reason I switched off 64bit Windows, another was Autodesk inventor…urgh.

  2. Janson permalink

    Hi Brandon
    Good to see you posting a little more regularly again.

    Thanks for the update on this – it will prove useful.

    Now what we need is how to make X64 search, search Network drives (UNC) – any news on this coming soon?



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  1. 64-bit Windows isn’t displaying files saved in the Office 2007 format when searching for Documents « the back room tech
  2. harmony healthcare

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