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Windows 7 Beta hotkey cheat sheet

by Brandon on January 10th, 2009

Got yourself a shiny new Windows 7 Beta install? Here’s a little cheat sheet I made up for some of the handy new hotkey combinations, many of which I’ve become quite dependent on!


Win+Up Maximize
Win+Down Restore / Minimize
Win+Left Snap to left
Win+Right Snap to right
Win+Shift+Left Jump to left monitor
Win+Shift+Right Jump to right monitor
Win+Home Minimize / Restore all other windows
Win+T Focus the first taskbar entry
Pressing again will cycle through them, you can can arrow around.
Win+Shift+T cycles backwards.
Win+Space Peek at the desktop
Win+G Bring gadgets to the top of the Z-order
Win+P External display options (mirror, extend desktop, etc)
Win+X Mobility Center (same as Vista, but still handy!)
(# = a number key)
Launches a new instance of the application in the Nth slot on the taskbar.
Example: Win+1 launches first pinned app, Win+2 launches second, etc.
Win + +
Win + –
(plus or minus key)
Zoom in or out.

Windows Explorer

Alt+P Show/hide Preview Pane

Taskbar modifiers

Shift + Click on icon Open a new instance
Middle click on icon Open a new instance
Ctrl + Shift + Click on icon Open a new instance with Admin privileges
Shift + Right-click on icon Show window menu (Restore / Minimize / Move / etc)
Note: Normally you can just right-click on the window thumbnail to get this menu
Shift + Right-click on grouped icon Menu with Restore All / Minimize All / Close All, etc.
Ctrl + Click on grouped icon Cycle between the windows (or tabs) in the group

Note that this list focuses on stuff that’s specific to Windows 7. For a complete list of Windows Vista hotkeys (which should be largely unchanged except where noted above), visit this page on or look in the Windows Help file.

If there’s something you think I should add, post a comment!

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  1. witkacy permalink

    I don’t understand how these are comments, but I’ll post anyway. New keyboard shortcuts are much welcomed & long overdue. Underutilisation of Win key was a shame (it’s usefullness should be extended to let developers use it as a new modifier key for applications also). But the most needed shortcuts, in my opinion, haven’t made it. These would be shortcuts to Win Explorer panes (navigator, details, search pane). Alp+P for preview is not enough. Currently switching panels on & off is a pain. As you have now an engineer of Lightroom on your team, you should learn the importance of panels shortcuts.
    Thank you and keep the good work (there is still a lot you can do to Win Explorer to make it easier to use and more robust).

  2. Diane permalink

    Good Job on the list! I tried to read all the posts but didn’t see Windows + Tab key to bring up the Aero desktop view. If I missed it, sorry —

  3. coredump permalink

    Nice job Microsoft! Hotkeys and keyboard support is great! But where is the hotkey “create directory”?
    No one else lacks this feature?

  4. Well done. Thanks for this. I always prefer keyboard shortcuts.

  5. Beat permalink

    I’m absolutely not one turn down shortcuts – I use the existing ones extensively. That said, it would be a huge benefit
    to disable or customize these new hotkeys. Unfortunately, these new ones have stepped on some global hotkeys I’ve used in another application for years, and there’s no workaround as far as I can tell. Bummer…

  6. Balaji permalink

    Good compile. I never knew some existed being using Win7 for a while 🙂

  7. You missed my favourite… Win+Shift+Up Arrow. Extends your window to the full height of the screen.

  8. Fadi Elyyan permalink

    ther are alote of missing shortcuts i will give it as soon as possible
    fadi elyyan

    microsoft .NET club champ
    Al- zaytoonah university
    amman – jordan

  9. Thanks, it might be worth adding ones like Win + R for the run menu etc… as some might not realise these still exist 🙂

  10. Hi Brandon, good list of shortcuts!

    In my Internet Explorer, Alt+P defaults to the “Page” menu item… and not the “Show/hide Preview Pane”

  11. for those of you sadly missing your Winkey + E Shortcut to bring up the explorer window — you will be enlightened and delighted to know that this functionality has not been replaced by The Libraries window but rather moved over to CTRL – ALT – E – which will now bring up your explorer window with my computer view, showing your harddrives.. slightly different key stroke.. same beloved functionality. Enjoy! took me a few to figure out!

  12. Shawn Frueh permalink

    Win+tab cycles through your windows in 3d

  13. lurker permalink

    Another key combination: Ctrl-Shift-F9 toggles Aero theme on and off.

    Is there a way to switch between windows in LRU order? Alt-Tab works in WinXP, but in Win7 it only remembers the last 3 to 5 windows, and past that they are in an order that appears random to me (not sorted by process name or title).

  14. I can win+right and win+left but I cannot win+shift+left [or right]. (my shift button DOES work)

    any thoughts?

  15. searching everywhere to find a shortcut for showing / hiding the preview pane in Windows Explorer… thanks mate

  16. Да,согласен с предыдущими высказываниями
    ) 🙂

  17. Great list!! any of them working in previous versions???

  18. Хм,несогласен с предыдущими ораторами
    ^..^ Bye

  19. You can click and drag a taskbar item up to reveal the context menu (Shortcut, Pin, Close). This would be useful for laptop users with no right click button.

  20. Отлично,согласен с предыдущими блоггерами
    ^..^ 🙂

  21. Хм,согласен с предыдущими высказываниями
    ) Bye

  22. Steven James Burks permalink

    New Folder Shortcut?

    No … Why would they include something that imperative, obvious, fundamental, and hugely requested over the years in this new version of Windows?

    Come on everyone, it’s never going to happen!

  23. Actually we added one because it was a popular request:


    You’re welcome.

  24. Steven James Burks permalink

    No way! It’s finally there! Thank you! =)

  25. Вот так,несогласен с предыдущими неудачниками
    Споки Bye

  26. Спасибо за новость

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  1. Windows 7 - Förbättrad Windows knapp / snabbknappar |
  2. Windows 7 Brings Life to Win Key - Specs, reviews and prices.
  3. Windows 7′de “Windows” tuşunun işlevi artıyor | Welcome Hoşgeldiniz
  4. Windows 7 Brings Life to Win Key | LinkTouch
  5. Windows 7 Tip: The Windows Key Is Actually Useful Now, With Tons of Hotkey Shortcuts [Windows 7]
  6. John Policelli’s Blog » Blog Archive » Windows 7 Hotkey Cheat Sheet
  7. > rm -f_ » Blog Archive » Windows 7: Hotkeys
  8. windows 7 hotkeys |
  9. Ask Computer Jim » Blog Archive » Windows 7 Hotkey Shortcuts
  10. All of the Windows 7 Win+ / Meta Hotkeys « The GClassy weblog!
  11. Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 7
  12. Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts
  13. Windows 7 klávesové zkratky | Windows 7
  14. Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts
  15. Experiencing Lenovo W500 with Windows 7 (RC) – Part II « Augusto Alvarez
  16. Windows 7 tips and tricks
  17. Kinook Software Blog » Blog Archive » First Look at Windows 7
  18. Official list of Keyboard shortcuts for Windows 7, Vista & XP
  19. » Windows 7 Hotkeys -
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