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Windows 7 demos in 7 seconds

by Brandon on October 22nd, 2009

Cool new Windows 7 ads.

From → Technology

  1. Mac permalink

    Love these!

  2. Awesome!! creative ads 🙂

  3. Am a PC.. so am here

  4. winows sux, linux forever. and let the holywar begin 🙂

  5. genpharm permalink

    linux sux, windows forever. and let the holywar end 😀

  6. Hexxy permalink

    Microsoft really outdid themselves here. Using Windows 7 and loving how streamlined and well-thought-out everything is. And all these nifty little hotkeys! Hah, no more XP for me.

  7. windows 7 will be great .but here ,it is so expensive.

  8. John permalink

    I am watching ESPN 360 right now and have witnessed these ads for the first time. The problem is I have to watch all of these demos all in a row, every single commercial break.

    They are creative but super annoying after two seconds I am ready to go crazy.

    I don’t enjoy these ads. They make me want to smash things.

  9. mr enrique permalink

    Most annoying ads ever. It’d be thousand times better without the grating horns blasting every two seconds. Makes me want to kill any windows machine…

Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. On Windows 7 and loving it! | Tea Break
  2. Take 5…with “10 Behind Office 10” - The Edge

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