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Heading home from PDC

by Brandon on October 30th, 2008

It’s been a whirlwind of a trip here in LA.  When I arrived I thought I’d be blogging, posting photos, and keeping in touch with the outside world the whole time.  Well, that didn’t quite work out.  There was always so much going on and so much to do, that the little downtime I had when I arrived back at my hotel was spent squeezing some of that “sleep” stuff into my schedule.

In case you’re wondering which of the features unveiled at PDC is “my baby,” that would be the OpenSearch-based search federation feature in the Windows Explorer, detailed in the Find & Organize session which you can watch here.

We also have a Channel 9 video covering the new Libraries feature and other user experience improvements in Explorer for Windows 7.  This video is part 1 of a two part series, the second of which covers the Search Federation feature (and yours truly).

For now, the best place to learn more about OpenSearch in Windows 7 is to watch the session video at the link below.

PDC 2008 session – Windows 7: Empower users to find, visualize and organize their data with Libraries and the Explorer

From → Life of Brandon

  1. Eric permalink


    The Libraries concept does look pretty cool but I have to say I worry about performance. I run Windows Search 4 on Vista. My index contains right now… almost 306,000 items. When files are saved, they don’t come close to being indexed automatically. Additionally, most searches take a few seconds at minimum. Short of running the indexer at a much higher priority and putting the entire index in RAM, I don’t see how the Libraries functionality will have any better performance.

  2. Josh permalink

    Loving some of the new stuff coming along in explorer and expecially the UI changes… however one question… I know it’s probably more a request from power users than anyone else but surely you’ve wanted it yourself – some kind of tabbed browsing within explorer?

    All the time I find myself just wanting to push select a folder with the middle mouse button and it open up a new tab =P

  3. Brandon permalink

    Libraries alone make me want to just not use Vista haha.

    I’ve been trying saved searches for *.jpg and *.mp3…

    It doesn’t work the way I want. Waiting until retail RTM Windows 7 will be a fight…

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