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Windows 7 Federated Search Implementer’s Guide now available!

by Brandon on February 6th, 2009

We just posted the first version of the Windows 7 Federated Search Implementer’s Guide! You can download it here.

This document covers subjects such as crafting the best OpenSearch Description File for your site, returning files and custom properties, customizing the results view, optimizing your source for performance, and more. If you’re interested in developing an OpenSearch source for Windows 7, check it out! And as always, please share your feedback!

Link: Windows 7 Federated Search Provider Implementer’s Guide

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  1. DonC permalink

    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for the guide!

    I’m enabling this feature for a web site now, and I’m wondering how to clear Explorer’s cache of results. As I’ve developed my web service code, some values got changed (e.g. which thumbnail to show) and I can’t work out how to get that change reflected in Explorer since the first time I searched for it.

  2. DonC permalink

    Sorry, I hit Submit too early by accident.

    I can get it to show the updated thumbnail if I change the element to another value.

  3. DonC permalink

    I can get it to show the updated thumbnail if I change the *link* element to another value. (It filtered out the angle brackets in the last post)

  4. David Wendt permalink

    Thanks for the guide. It looks really great. I’m still looking for some documentation on the IOpenSearchSource interface. The guide points to MSDN and the SDK but neither have enough details to build and register an IOpenSearchSource provider. Any chance you can include some sample code in your blog perhaps?

  5. Hi Don! There are a couple of caching issues in the beta build. One that can be annoying while developing is that if you view your RSS output in IE, IE will write that to the cache and Explorer will load that cached RSS output. You can work around this by refreshing the view of the RSS output in IE, or by clearing the IE cache.

    This has been fixed for RC.

    Also, in the beta, thumbnails are cached based on the item URL (NOT the thumbnail URL) and the Date Modified value of the item itself. This behavior will also be improved in the RC release.

  6. David –

    I’m glad to hear you’re interested in the IOpenSearchSource API. We are working hard to get the complete documentation on the MSDN site, as well as some guides and samples for using this API. Unfortunately this has taken a little longer than I expected, and I haven’t been able to write much about it myself simply because I’ve been too busy trying to make sure the RC is as great as it can be 🙂

    That said, I will make sure to post a note here as soon as the documentation and any samples are made available.

  7. thanks dear for this beautiful post.

    thanks a lot.

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  4. Windows 7 Federated Search: Disponibile per il download la Guida Ufficiale

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